Annuity articles to help you plan for retirement

As you are considering retirement financial options, State Farm® has some annuity information to consider.

When should you buy an annuity?

Are you wondering about the best age to buy an annuity? It may depend on your situation.

How do annuities work?

An annuity could be a valuable addition to your retirement plan. Here's how they work and what they are.

What is an immediate annuity and is it right for you?

An immediate annuity can be a useful tool to help create a guaranteed income stream in retirement that you can depend on month to month.

Life insurance vs annuities

Staying informed about how annuities and life insurance work makes it easier to come up with a financial roadmap that's tailored to your needs.

What is a retirement annuity?

No matter how long your retirement lasts, a retirement annuity may help.

What is a life annuity?

A life annuity may help provide you with a paycheck for the rest of your life.

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